

1 名詞可作主詞、受詞、補語、及同位語。

1. Severe winter storms in the Northwest have caused many deaths. (本句storms為主詞,Northwest為介系詞in的受詞,in the Northwest 合起來也是修飾storms的;西北方的嚴寒風雪,deaths為動詞caused的受詞,請注意,只有介系詞與動詞才會有受詞。)
2. John Smith, our English teacher, comes from Australia. (John Smith為主詞,our English teacher為主詞同位語,Australia為from之受詞。)
3. The storm was a disaster. (主詞補語)
4. The book make him a famous person. (受詞補語)

2 名詞有專有名詞,例如 台北市、美國,中國、人名、山川、湖海、機構名、公司名,。。。。第一個字需用大寫。通常是單數。物質名詞,例如麵粉、砂糖、咖啡、頭髮。。。等他們是不可數(或極難數),通常是單數形式。抽象名詞,例如,數學、物理學、美麗、智慧、新聞。。。他們有些有的時候看起來是複數形式(例如mathematics, economics, news...)其實是單數。可數名詞,這就很多了。還有集合名詞─例如家庭、隊、班級、牛群、。。。。這些以後會講。

3 可數名詞的單數,必須在前面有『一個』限定詞如 a, the, this that, my, your ......不能沒有,但也不能多於一個。例如,中文說,「我的一個朋友」,你千萬不能翻譯成 " a my friend " 或 " my a friend".

4 名詞作為主詞是,動詞要依照主詞的單複數與人稱而改變。──主詞,不是受詞。例如: Chinese are a deligent people. 中國人(複數)「是」一個勤勞的民族。主詞是複數,a deligent people是主詞補語,不是主詞。很多人會搞混。BE動詞必須跟著主詞改變,所以用ARE。

二、. 代名詞(pronouns):代名詞包括主格(I, we, you, she, he, it, they)、所有格(my, our, your, her, his, its, their),與受格(me, us, you, her, him, it, them)。主格當主詞,受格當動詞或介系詞之受詞,所有格則為形容詞的功用,後面接名詞。

1. If a lizard(蜥蜴) loses its tail, a new one grows to replace it.
2. They believe that their theory is based on facts.
3. We gave them the books.

☆ 區分「代名詞所有格」和「所有格代名詞」。

代名詞所有格是指代名詞的所有格。例如,我說一句話,Mary 是我表妹,她在她的家裡養了三隻小狗。英文中,Mary是名詞,「她」(she) 是代名詞,代替前面已經提過的Mary。「她的](her),是代名詞所有格,是屬於一種形容詞。修飾「家」。

所有格代名詞是指所有格的代名詞,代替「所擁/有的東西」。例如:這些書是誰的?我的?你們的,還是他們的?我的 "mine" ;我們的 "yours" ;  他們的 "theirs",是一種名詞的用法,代替我的 書"my books" ;你們的書 "your books" ;  他們的書 "their books"。

三、. 動詞(verbs):動詞要特別注意單複數、時態、主動或被動。

1. In those days most areas did not have electrical service.
2. When his father came home, he had finished his work.
3. The problem will be solved someday.
4. There are hundreds of people attending the party.

四、. 形容詞(adjectives):形容詞主要是用來修飾名詞(限定用法:放在名詞前面),或當作補語(敘述用法)

例:1. He is a dangerous person. (修飾person)
2. It is dangerous to take drugs. (吸毒)。 (作主詞補語)
3. A coral reef(珊瑚礁) is found only in warm, shallow seas(修飾seas)
4. The news made her happy. (受詞補語)

五、. 副詞(adverbs):副詞是用以修飾動詞、形容詞、副詞,及整個子句。
例:1. Fortunately, he passed the examination. (修飾後面整個子句)
2. The conditions are extremely dangerous. (修飾dangerous)
3. The building was designed by an internationally famous architect.. (修飾famous)
4. The reason why he died was not clearly understood. (修飾understood)
5. He had studied extremely hard, so he passed the examination. (修飾副詞hard)

六、. 介系詞(prepositions):結構上,介系詞後面應接名詞片語或動名詞。介系詞所引導的片語稱為介系詞片語,主要功能是當形容詞或副詞。
例:1. Only two trains left during the morning. (當副詞,修飾left)
2. In the spring of 1988, the artist left for Europe. (當副詞,修飾後面整句)
3. Scientists give us a lot of information about our environment. (當形容詞,修飾information)

七、. 連接詞(conjunctions):連接詞主要包括對等連接詞(and, or, but, yet, both… and…, neither…nor…, either…or…, not only… but also…等等)及從屬連接詞(如when, while, before, after, since, although, though, because, if等等)。對等連接詞的重點在於所引導的結構前後要帄行對稱,而從屬連接詞則引導從屬子句。
例:1. The beggar was cold and hungry. (帄行形容詞)
2. I can dance and sing at the same time. 
3. We have apple, milk, bread, and coffee for breakfast.
4. He has to go shopping and swimming today.
5. I had arrived the airport before it rained.
6. If you need my help, just say it. 

八、. 指定詞(determiners):指定詞是用以限定後面的名詞,包括some, every, this, that, these, those等等。我們要特別注意的是every, this, that後面接單數名詞,these與those接複數名詞,而some(一些)則可接單數不可數名詞或複數可數名詞。
例:1. In those days girls used to wear mini skirts.
2. Every story in this book is very interesting.
3. The boss bought some equipment to modernize his factory. (equipment“設備”為不可數名詞)
4. The witness(證人) offered the police some clues about the murder.


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